Comfort tips for your Palatal Expander

Posted on 06/21/2022
We know that every patient is different, and that's why we are proud to provide individualized care for each patient that comes through the door at Jarosz & Valente Orthodontics. Every mouth is unique, so there is no one-size-fits-all treatment. Doctors Jarosz and Valente, along with our qualified team, will work with you to create the best treatment plan for you.

While a large chunk of orthodontic care revolves around braces, there are other techniques and appliances used to manipulate teeth. One such item is known as a palatal expander.

What Is A Palatal Expander?

A palatal expander is a metal appliance placed on the roof of the mouth. Expanders are introduced in children to guide the growth of their jaw by gradually widening it. The typical reasons for a palatal expander are crossbite, teeth crowding, and impacted teeth. 

Expanders include two metal halves that fit together with a screw in the middle. That screw gets slightly rotated with a key to gradually expand the jaw. The technique sounds a bit scary, but we promise it's not nearly as bad as it sounds. That being said, a small amount of discomfort is to be expected.

Comfort Tips For Palatal Expanders

Your child might feel a bit of discomfort after first receiving their palatal expander, as well as when it gets tightened. Some might find it difficult to talk or eat as easily as normal. This should go away in time. To make things easier on them, help them follow these comfort tips:

  • Stock up on soft foods - Soft foods will be easier to handle with a palatal expander. Things like mashed potatoes, yogurt, soft fruits and veggies, soups, etc. will be helpful to have on hand.
  • Ice/Cold - Have a couple of ice packs in your freezer. Applying an ice pack will ease pain and also reduce any swelling. This may be a good time for a special ice cream treat or their favorite cold drink!
  • Medication - If other interventions don't seem to be doing the trick, over-the-counter pain medication like Tylenol or ibuprofen can provide relief. Since most discomfort will come with the key-turning aspect of the device, we suggest taking the medication about an hour before you plan to turn it.
  • Keep it clean - Oral hygiene can be a little more difficult with the expander in but is as important as ever. Consistent brushing and flossing will keep debris and bacteria out of the appliance, while also keeping your surrounding teeth healthy. Allowing food to build up under the appliance will just cause it to be more uncomfortable. 

Contact Jarosz & Valente Orthodontics

If you are looking for additional information or advice regarding palatal expanders, please don't hesitate to contact us. If you live in Arlington Heights, Deerfield, or the surrounding areas, request an appointment with Jarosz & Valente Orthodontics to treat yourself to the smile you've always wanted.